Episodes (85)

Episode #2.1
S02E01 · Episode #2.1

Jan 22, 1980

Pat hears on the radio that David has been captured and charged with the attempted murder of Karen; Bea asks Mrs. Davidson if their collection can be spent on flowers for Karen. They discuss the halfway house: Angela Jeffries will be running it temporarily. She comes to visit Pat about her appeal and reveals she's defending David as well. When she approaches Greg about testifying for Pat, he refuses but later reconsiders. Angela warns Pat that pleading insanity is David's only hope, but will require institutionalizing. Karen regains consciousness, and her mother ...

Episode #2.2
S02E02 · Episode #2.2

Jan 23, 1980

After Roz collapses, Kath puts her to bed but can't wake her next morning. Vera suspects she's been drugged; Greg takes blood samples and keeps her until they find out what the cause was. Kath has tossed the pen and no one finds it; she pleads ignorance to Mrs. Davidson. Bea tries to pump Kath for info, even trying to get Lizzie into the room with Kath and Roz. Meg lets it slip to Fletcher about Leila's call; she meets Geoff for drinks and tells him she doesn't want to get involved, which he agrees with. While Leila fixes dinner, Geoff and Fletcher go to the pub; ...

Episode #2.3
S02E03 · Episode #2.3

Jan 29, 1980

When Geoff and Fletcher return from the pub, Leila is suspicious of Geoff's elation. Next morning she sees a news story about a man found beaten in a toilet stall at the pub; Fletcher forbids her to call police so she calls Meg and tells her about the fight in Sydney Geoff was involved in. Geoff keeps spending time "at home" during the day, and Leila decides to search his kit bag; she finds a machete and a pistol. Roz's plan to escape seems to be thwarted by the loss of the pen with the knockout powder; she sees Lizzie using her pen in the rec room and snitches to Meg...

Episode #2.4
S02E04 · Episode #2.4

Jan 30, 1980

Following Erica's shooting, Janet and most of the terrorists are gunned down negotiating the fence. Ros makes it out, however, and goes to the docks, as Chrissie advised. Back at the prison, Erica is injured but not badly. Jim takes charge in her absence. The police quiz the women, Kathleen in particular, but she cannot tell them anything useful. Chrissie agrees to tell the cops where she thinks Ros has gone, in exchange for remission. As Ros prepares to board a boat with a sailor, the cops turn up and arrest her. She is returned to Wentworth, as Janet is stretchered ...

Episode #2.5
S02E05 · Episode #2.5

Feb 05, 1980

Jim overpowers Geoff and roughs him up, and Meg is horrified how violent he becomes. The police arrest Geoff. Chrissie wants to go back to the Laundry, and Vera agrees if she will lag. The women get Chrissie to help smuggle from the kitchen, but she betrays them and they get caught. Bea suspects Chrissie of lagging. Bea helps Pat write to Herbie about the trial, which Kathleen will smuggle out to a visitor. Chrissie tips Vera off, but it's a set-up: she just walked into a trap which proves she is the lagger. After an attempt to throw the letter over the fence also ...

Episode #2.6
S02E06 · Episode #2.6

Feb 06, 1980

Everyone is questioned over the striking incident, but eventually Ros confesses she made it up and Jim is cleared. She is sent back to Solitary (yes, again!) David O'Connell's court case is looming, but when Greg recognizes Herbie at the court, Herbie's lies about being David's hostage are revealed. Found out, he changes his statement, implicating Pat and thwarting her chance of appeal. Later, Pat receives word that David has committed suicide. New social worker Paul Reid starts work at the prison, but he's rather eccentric and not all that easy to get along with. ...

Episode #2.7
S02E07 · Episode #2.7

Feb 12, 1980

Pat is distraught after David's suicide, attacking first an insensitive Chrissie and then Greg (whom she blames for his death). Because of this, she is refused permission to attend the funeral, but Paul manages to talk Erica round and she is allowed to attend. Lizzie tells Greg not to blame himself for what happened with Pat, and after a small leaving do he departs for his new life with Karen. Paul recommends Ros spend the maximum time in Solitary. Lizzie is questioned by the police in relation to the aforementioned dying Ralph Campbell, and she thinks they're trying ...

Episode #2.8
S02E08 · Episode #2.8

Feb 13, 1980

After Lizzie's intensive grilling by the cops, Bea and the girls suspect there's a cover-up going on regarding the old woman, and decide to get to the bottom of it. Chrissie uses her key to get into Erica's office and pinch Lizzie's file, which she passes on to Bea. Paul arranges for journalist Mal James to visit the women, to try and get them interested in making their own newspaper, and they slip the gossip on Lizzie to him. James calls Erica for a comment, but she denies there is a cover-up and wants to know where he got his facts. Finally, Lizzie is told the truth...

Episode #2.9
S02E09 · Episode #2.9

Feb 20, 1980

Erica takes an upset Lizzie to the Halfway House in a taxi, but it turns out Doreen didn't know she was coming: Paul forgot to let them know and gets carpeted by Erica. Lizzie has a hard time dealing with the no-booze rule. Doreen stands up her boyfriend Kevin when Lizzie cooks a surprise dinner. Caroline Simpson and her mother Vivienne Williams turn up at the Halfway House seeking refuge, after Vivienne is beaten by her husband. Rhonda says they can't stay and sends them to a refuge, but instead they go home. When Mr Williams pulls a rifle on them, Caroline stabs him...

Episode #2.10
S02E10 · Episode #2.10

Feb 26, 1980

Caroline and Vivienne try to cover-up Brian's murder, thinking the police will never believe it was self defence, and make it look like a burglary. Vivienne is guilt-ridden, especially when she learns Brian had a large life insurance policy. When the cops question them again, Vivienne confesses. Caroline admits to the murder in self-defence, but the police say she will find it hard to prove. The screws wonder how a prisoner got into the staff room to return Vera's radio, and decide there must be a key on the loose. Erica, though, correctly suspects Lizzie of being ...

Episode #2.11
S02E11 · Episode #2.11

Feb 27, 1980

Paul bails Tony out, who lies he knew nothing about the drugs. Sharon is unable to raise bail money and is sent to Wentworth. Vera incites trouble between Bea and Sharon; after Sharon tells Bea she is inside on drug charges, they brawl, and Bea gets soup thrown in her face. Sharon is visited by her sister, Judy Bryant, who tells her Tony's charges were dropped. When Sharon realises Paul and Tony are related, she threatens to incriminate Tony unless Paul gets her charges dropped. Caroline and Vivienne arrive in Wentworth, and Vivienne appears to have lost the plot. ...

Episode #2.12
S02E12 · Episode #2.12

Mar 04, 1980

Paul reels from Sharon's demands, and though Tony insists Sharon was lying, Paul soon realises Tony is the liar. Sharon tells Vera the connection between her and Paul, and Vera reports him to Erica. Sharon learns Tony has confessed to the police and she has nothing on them any more. Bea sends Margo, Lil and Bev to duff Sharon up: they attack her in her cell and try to scalp her, but Chrissie gets in the way and is knocked to the floor. She goes into very premature labour and is rushed to hospital. Doreen is talked into phoning in sick so she can go to the country with...

Episode #2.13
S02E13 · Episode #2.13

Mar 05, 1980

Margo, Lil and Bev are sent to the pound after the attack on Chrissie and Sharon. Chrissie confirms Bea was behind it, and a disgusted Erica sends Bea to Isolation until further notice. Chrissie wakes from sedation to learn she has a new baby girl, which she names Elizabeth. She learns the baby will need long-term treatment and must remain in hospital after Chrissie goes back to the prison. Doreen gets the sack from work because Lizzie cocked up phoning in sick for her. Lizzie turns up at the prison to see Bea, and though Vera refuses, Jim allows it. Lizzie tells Bea ...

Episode #2.14
S02E14 · Episode #2.14

Mar 11, 1980

Paul agrees to try and get Bea out of Isolation if she encourages the craft project. She agrees, then sends the word to down tools. Vera is delighted that things have fallen through; Paul is furious, but Bea feigns innocence. Lizzie and Doreen aren't on good terms after Lizzie got Dor sacked. Jim tries to get Lizzie, Doreen and Rhonda to testify on Caroline and Vivienne's behalf. Lizzie and Dor are in the pub with Kevin, and when Jim turns up in uniform to talk to them, Kev realises they've been inside. Dor is upset when he says he doesn't want to see her for a bit. ...

Episode #2.15
S02E15 · Episode #2.15

Mar 12, 1980

Sharon is furious to be brought back to Wentworth, and is put in to share with Chrissie Latham. They form something of a partnership, and Sharon gets Judy to smuggle drugs in for them. Before long, she has both Pat and Caroline for customers, and has Bea set up to keep her in Isolation. Sharon gets the women to resume the craft project. Chrissie goes to Isolation and tells Bea that Sharon's in charge of the women now; Bea attacks her through the bars but Sharon comes to the rescue. Later, after lights out, Sharon and Chrissie's relationship turns sexual. Lizzie gives ...

Episode #2.16
S02E16 · Episode #2.16

Mar 18, 1980

Doreen announces her engagement, but Lizzie goes to grill Kevin before deciding if she is pleased. Doreen tells Lizzie that when they get married, she is going to come and live with them. Several of the women are high as kites thanks to Sharon's drug dealing, including Pat who ends up collapsing. When the cause of the collapse is known, Erica orders a cell search, but Sharon outfoxes them and avoids being caught. She arranges another drug drop from Judy, this time at the hospital when Chrissie goes to visit the baby. Chrissie isn't keen, but agrees. When she gets into...

Episode #2.17
S02E17 · Episode #2.17

Mar 19, 1980

Chrissie's "assailant" at the hospital is Judy. Chrissie details the drug drop for her. Sharon seeks muscle from Margo's gang, who want drugs in exchange. Thinking the dope is on Chrissie, they attack and search her, but find nothing. Judy leaves the drugs in a can by the fence, and Sharon wants Pat to go and collect it. Pat tells Bea, who asks her to play along; she then tells the screws someone is using drugs to try and take over. Erica refuses to let Bea out of Isolation. Pat collects some of the drugs and leaves the rest, but tells Sharon there was nothing there. ...

Episode #2.18
S02E18 · Episode #2.18

Mar 25, 1980

Bea regains control of the women, with Sharon and Chrissie helpless to resist. Judy comes to visit Sharon, and when Meg searches her she finds drugs on her: she is admitted as a prisoner, exactly as she planned. Sharon is not pleased; Judy warns Chrissie off. Bea asks Pat to plant drugs in Sharon's cell, which are hidden in one of the stuffed toys. The toy ends up in Paul's office, and Chrissie is manipulated into retrieving it. Pat plants the drugs in Sharon's soap dish - and is caught in the act by Judy. Doreen and Lizzie testify at Caroline and Vivienne's committal...

Episode #2.19
S02E19 · Episode #2.19

Mar 26, 1980

Judy does nothing to stop Pat, and Sharon is sent to Solitary when the screws find the drugs in the cell. The women are frosty with Bea, thinking she lagged. Chrissie crumbles and tells Erica where the drugs came from. Judy admits she did nothing to stop Sharon being caught, as she felt she needed to be taught a lesson, and that she knew it would keep her away from Chrissie. Caroline refuses to let Michael pay their bail. Jim wants to secretly pay the bail money, and so Paul eventually agrees to be a front for him. Vivienne is signed over to Paul's care and is ...

Episode #2.20
S02E20 · Episode #2.20

Apr 01, 1980

Mrs Burns tells Doreen that if she and Kevin marry, she will disown him. Lizzie chases her down the street with a frying pan, but eventually talks Mrs Burns round. Lizzie and Doreen go to celebrate, get wrecked and try to shoplift booze under cover of one of Lizzie's fake turns. However, when Dor walks out of the shop with the booze, the cops show up. The VJ gives Sharon another week in the pound; relations improve between Judy, Chrissie and Bea. Chrissie agrees to stay away from Sharon. When Judy finds out Sharon will be gone another week, she smacks Bea in the face ...

Episode #2.21
S02E21 · Episode #2.21

Apr 02, 1980

Thanks to Lizzie, Doreen is sent back to Wentworth and faces losing her parole. Lizzie comes to visit, and asks Erica if she can come back too. Kevin finds out that she is back inside and arrives to tell her he'll stick by her, but she refuses and calls off the engagement. Sharon won't talk to Judy in Solitary after Judy tells her she let Bea and Pat frame her. Judy is sentenced to a year, and tells Chrissie she can have Sharon. Bea attacks her and dunks her head in a filled sink. Sharon lies to the police that Judy was behind the whole drugs op on the outside. Tony ...

Episode #2.22
S02E22 · Episode #2.22

Apr 08, 1980

Doreen and Lizzie go to court. Lizzie gets a fine, but Doreen gets more time, even after Kevin speaks in her defence. She thanks him, but she still can't marry him. Back at the Halfway House, Lizzie hits the bottle. Chrissie learns she will be allowed Elizabeth if she stays on her best behaviour. Bea tells her to stay away from Sharon, or she'll never get her baby. When Sharon gets out of the pound, Chrissie shuns her. A jealous, rejected Sharon causes trouble when she sees how close Judy and Doreen are. Judy tries to bash her, but is stopped when Chrissie smashes her...

Episode #2.23
S02E23 · Episode #2.23

Apr 09, 1980

Sharon refuses to tell the truth about what happened to Judy, despite Chrissie facing the prospect of losing Elizabeth. Chrissie is furious and rejects Sharon. Judy recovers from her injuries and, after Sharon has a fight with Pat, tells Erica the truth about what happened. Erica finally relents and lets Chrissie have her baby. She says goodbye as she moves to Maternity with Elizabeth, leaving Sharon behind. Lizzie goes on another shoplifting spree, including trying to walk out of a shop wearing a fur coat, but nothing is working. Back at the Halfway House, Rhonda ...

Episode #2.24
S02E24 · Episode #2.24

Apr 15, 1980

Aiming to get back to Wentworth, Lizzie refuses to co-operate with the cops, but her elation at getting back inside is crushed when Vera puts her in another block and won't let her see her mates. At the court, she is furious to get off with a small fine, and Erica has to stop her doing anything silly. Lizzie later comes to visit Bea, who tries to talk her out of committing a crime to get put back inside. Jim and Caroline grow closer and closer on the outside, until she discovers he is married. Lizzie tries to warn her off, telling her ex-prisoners and officers aren't ...

Episode #2.25
S02E25 · Episode #2.25

Apr 16, 1980

There's trouble for the Fletchers and Meg when Geoff Butler returns, his trial looming. He tries to force Meg into changing her testimony, and lets himself into the Fletcher house to terrify Leila. Jim and Caroline's relationship hots up, to Michael's disgust, and he tries to pay Jim to stop seeing her. At the trial, Geoff gets off on a bond and is later approached by Michael, who suggests they team up to get back at Jim. Pat finally agrees to appeal her sentence after seeing the recaptured Andrew. Judy confides in Doreen about her past, and as her pains worsen she ...

Episode #2.26
S02E26 · Episode #2.26

Apr 22, 1980

Jim admits to visiting Caroline, but dismisses any suggestion they have been having an affair. At home, Leila wants to send Matthew to a private school, but he doesn't have any money to do so after bailing out Caroline and Vivienne. Leila gets a phone call telling her this, and that her husband is seeing Caroline, and she throws Jim out. Lizzie is arrested for shoplifting again. After sneaking into the Magistrate's office at her trial and flushing his memoirs down the loo, she is thrilled to be returned to Wentworth for six months. Judy's health worries continue, but ...

Episode #2.27
S02E27 · Episode #2.27

Apr 23, 1980

Geoff and Michael embark on their plan to split up Caroline and Jim. This involves terrifying the living daylights out of Leila, by plaguing her with threatening phone calls and lurking outside her house. She tries to tell Jim how scared she is, but Caroline turns up and interrupts them. Late at night, Leila has a brick thrown through her window. Greg Miller returns to town for Pat's appeal, and Erica asks him to have a word with Judy Bryant. She wants him to talk her into having tests done after she collapses again. Judy tells him of her fears that she'll die in ...

Episode #2.28
S02E28 · Episode #2.28

Apr 29, 1980

A terrified Leila is convinced Geoff has been terrorizing, but he has an alibi for the brick through her window: Meg and Greg saw him in a bar at the time. In fact, it was Michael who did it. The harrassment continues when Leila has graffiti sprayed across her lounge room doors. Meanwhile, Geoff is also lurking around outside the halfway house and in-nerving Caroline. Jim threatens Michael to leave them all alone. Meanwhile, Geoff suggests they plant drugs on Jim and call the cops, and wants Michael to deliver them to Jim's hotel. Michael is blissfully unaware that ...

Episode #2.29
S02E29 · Episode #2.29

Apr 30, 1980

Bea is furious, thinking Ken has made a fool of her, and calls a halt to the drama class. Paul desperately tries to salvage the situation, and engineers a meeting between them. Ken tells her the blonde girl was his daughter, Debbie, and things get back on track. Pat has one last visit from her kids before her appeal, and tries to think positive. Leila's living on her nerves, and has a blazing row with Jim in front of the kids. Jim doesn't think either Geoff or Michael is responsible; Caroline also gets a threatening letter. With the police circling, Geoff instructs ...

Episode #2.30
S02E30 · Episode #2.30

May 06, 1980

A stunned Jim reels after the explosion: the boys are dead, and Leila is critically injured. Michael remains unaware that the parcel was a bomb, and Geoff demands payment from him for setting Jim up. As he waits for Michael outside the bank, Geoff hears the news of the explosion on the radio, and is furious to discover Jim is not dead. He pulls a gun on Michael and takes him to a house. Jim lashes out at Caroline, blaming her for the explosion; soon after, they learn Leila has also died. A grieving Jim takes some sleeping pills and booze and passes out, as Geoff lets ...

Episode #2.31
S02E31 · Episode #2.31

May 06, 1980

Jim is not hurt in the explosion, but reels from the loss of both his children and his injured wife. Ken causes a stir, while the trial for Pat nears its end.

Episode #2.32
S02E32 · Episode #2.32

Jan 01, 1980

As the cops hunt for Geoff, Michael is arrested and carted off to a psychiatric hospital. Geoff outsmarts the police and escapes from his hideout, and Jim arrives home to find him waiting for him. As a confrontation develops, Geoff is finally shot dead by a police marksman. Kerry Vincent arrives in Wentworth, transferred from Barnhurst. She is an artist, and gets a cell of her own so she can paint, and the women are sceptical of her. The money Lizzie stole from the Salvation Army is found on her when she returns; she loses her buyup and is wracked with guilt. However,...

Episode #2.33
S02E33 · Episode #2.33

May 27, 1980

Lizzie tries to cope with the news she spent the past twenty years in jail for a crime she did not commit and panics at the thought of being released. Bea suggests to her she might get compensation from the Department. Erica hunts for the culprit who leaked the news, and Vera accuses Paul of being to blame. Paul eventually gets a confession from Bea and forces Chrissie to hand her key over. He also arranges for Lizzie to go and stay at the Halfway House when she gets out. Lizzie steals a radio from Vera's locker and smuggles it into Ros in Solitary. The women hold a ...

Episode #2.34
S02E34 · Episode #2.34

Jan 01, 1980

Kerry settles into Wentworth, but no-one is sure what to make of her. Vera is especially harsh on her, harbouring resentment that she was never allowed to follow her dream of becoming a painter. David Austin, Kerry's agent, requests Kerry be allowed out for her exhibition. She gives Vera a painting of hers she likes, and suggests she get David to frame it. Meanwhile Sharon, angry that Kerry rejected her advances, stirs the women up that Kerry is a lagger. Doreen and Lizzie fiddle the buyup to help Lizzie out since hers has been cancelled. When they are caught, this ...

Episode #2.35
S02E35 · Episode #2.35

Jan 01, 1980

Jim's replacement, Jock Stewart, starts work. The lagging rumours about Kerry persist, and worsen when the D Block women are caught making home brew. The assumption is Kerry blew the whistle, but actually Jock overheard them discussing it. A painting she had been working on is destroyed, but she takes the blame for it; she thinks Bea was behind it, but in actual fact it was Sharon. On the day of the exhibition, David fails to bring an outfit for Kerry to wear. Vera foolishly lets her go in her uniform, but David has set it up to play for press sympathy on Kerry's ...

Episode #2.36
S02E36 · Episode #2.36

Jan 01, 1980

Kerry and the other women come to an understanding, and Bea hints to her that Sharon ruined her painting. Vera is furious with Kerry after David's comments at the exhibition that she bullied her into giving her the painting. She is called to Erica's office to explain herself, and Erica gives her the benefit of the doubt. However, an angry Kerry wrongly assumes Vera stole her light bulb and tells the Governor that she did indeed bully her. Erica tells Vera she has no choice but to suspend her until the matter is investigated. Doreen is hassled by some men who want to ...

Episode #2.37
S02E37 · Episode #2.37

Jan 01, 1980

There's a lockdown in Wentworth following Sharon's death, and a grief stricken Judy blames Bea for killing her, but she is as much a suspect as Bea is. She threatens to have her revenge, and is moved to Isolation out of the way. Sharon's death is eventually ruled as an accident, but nobody believes that. Meanwhile, the Department are fed up with Kerry's constant press coverage, and insist on her early parole. One of the conditions placed, though, is that she has nothing more to do with David Austin. Lizzie doesn't know whether to meet the woman claiming to be Marcia. ...

Episode #2.38
S02E38 · Episode #2.38

Jan 01, 1980

Prostitute Helen Smart is admitted to Wentworth and turns out to be an old friend of Kerry's. She recognizes Jock and says he's got a bad reputation. Kerry is released but she struggles to cope without David around. Judy is refused permission to go to Sharon's funeral. Jock is still bullying Doreen; Kevin discovers the men intent on buying Alice's house intend to knock it down. Doreen finally agrees to the sale. Kevin turns up at the prison, but isn't allowed to see Doreen as she's still in Solitary, so he sees Bea. Helen, on tray duty, offers to be a go-between and ...

Episode #2.39
S02E39 · Episode #2.39

Jan 01, 1980

Vera keeps quiet over Jock when he reminds her how he helped her with Kerry, but later overhears Judy accusing Jock of killing Sharon, and finally reports him. Paul tells the solicitor after Doreen's house that she isn't selling, and threatens to report him to the police. The police question Jock about the murder, and he is suspended. Before he leaves, Jock gleefully admits to Judy that he killed Sharon, and she slaps him. Erica tells Judy they have no real proof that Jock is the killer, apart from Judy's say so. An angry Judy wants Bea's help to ensure Jock doesn't ...

Episode #2.40
S02E40 · Episode #2.40

Jan 01, 1980

Judy mulls her options to protest against Sharon's death, and they decide to stage a strike in their cells. As some of the women hoard food, the verdict from Sharon's inquest comes back - accidental death. The women announce they're staging a sit-in in the Rec Room until the Department agree to a fair inquiry into the murder. Leanne Burke arrives in Wentworth and most of the women are disapproving of her thanks to Noeline's reputation. Leanne kicks up a stink about being in a single cell, and sets fire to it in the middle of the night. She is put in to share with Judy...

Episode #2.41
S02E41 · Episode #2.41

Jan 01, 1980

Erica tries to talk the prisoners out of the Rec Room, and tells them Jock is finished in the prison service. Vera cuts the power, and they spend an uncomfortable night in the dark. Next morning, they give up the protest. Noeline comes to visit Leanne and she asks her to pass on a message to the press that they're staging a demo in the garden. Predictably, Noeline can't be trusted and tells Vera. The women are confined to the building as a result. Another scheme has to be thought up, and this time it's violent. Judy, Margo and Lizzie take Erica and Meg hostage in the ...

Episode #2.42
S02E42 · Episode #2.42

Jan 01, 1980

Everyone at the prison is stunned by Leanne's death, bringing a sudden halt to the demo. The police go to Noeline's work to tell her the news, only to find she's been pinching money from the workers since she started there. She gets six months and arrives back in Wentworth - neither prisoners nor officers are pleased to see her. Noeline warns that she blames Bea for her daughter's death, but Judy tries to take the blame. She assumes the role of Noeline's protector, perhaps as a way to allieviate her guilt over Leanne's death. Lizzie is offered forty grand in ...

Episode #2.43
S02E43 · Episode #2.43

Jan 01, 1980

Thinking she has killed David, Kerry flees from the gallery and disappears. David is very much alive, but Paul has no luck tracking her down, and has to report her. Meanwhile, Kerry seeks out Helen's help, gets hold of some pills, swigs them down with booze, and passes out. David finds her, but instead of getting help, he steals some of her paintings. Paul does some detective work to find out if Marcia is a fraud. Lizzie tells Marcia she's going to use her compo to pay for Josie's operation, but Bea gets a message out threatening her. Marcia realises the gig is up, ...

Episode #2.44
S02E44 · Episode #2.44

Jan 01, 1980

Helen finds Kerry out cold but alive, and calls Paul to get help. Paul recommends Kerry go to a sanitorium for treatment, rather than back to jail. Meanwhile David, thinking she is dead, tries to buy a painting Kerry gave to Doreen. Paul and Erica con David into handing over a large sum of money for it, then announce Kerry is still alive. Marcia turns up at Wentworth to tell Lizzie the truth, that her real name is Ellen and she knew the real Marcia, who died some years ago. Lizzie tells them that as far as she is concerned, they are her family now, and she's giving ...

Episode #2.45
S02E45 · Episode #2.45

Jan 01, 1980

The women embark on a ridiculous attempt to cover up Noeline's absence until they can unlock her from the store room in the morning. This also includes a fake food poisoning bout as a diversion while Judy retrieves her. Bea wants to know why Judy is helping Noeline, and she says she was going to take the money herself as she is planning to escape. Noeline lags on the women's fake poisoning to Erica and the screws carry out a search. Meanwhile, Judy uses Noeline to lead her to Margo's money, but Margo catches Judy out. Meg gets involved with Gail's problems, to Vera's ...

Episode #2.46
S02E46 · Episode #2.46

Jan 01, 1980

The work release is to go ahead, to the women's delight. The party of women who are to go initially includes Bea, Doreen and Judy but not, to her annoyance, Lizzie. Judy suspects Margo's money may be in the kitchen, but when Noeline goes there to hunt for it, she ends up getting thrown in the skip by Margo and her heavies. Vera and Jim find her, and think she was trying to escape. She loses her buy up. Noeline's horse wins and Margo has to pay her out a lot of cash. Vera is suspicious that Lizzie still has cigarettes, and Noeline suggests she and Doreen have been ...

Episode #2.47
S02E47 · Episode #2.47

Jan 01, 1980

The work release programme gets underway, with Erica warning dire consequences for anyone who screws it up. The women meet sleazy foreman Vince Talbot, and cool-as-a-cucumber accountant Kay White. Doreen suspects Judy is going to take the chance to escape from the factory. Meanwhile, Kay seems to have the gambling bug and gets involved with Margo's book, while Andrew Reynolds shows a more than professional interest in Erica. Gail arrives in Wentworth on remand, and is advised not to tell the women why she's really inside. She gets a visit from Tim, who informs her he ...

Episode #2.48
S02E48 · Episode #2.48

Jan 01, 1980

There's trouble at the factory involving the delivery drivers, and Doreen is keen to get Kevin the delivery contract when she hears it's up for tender. She needs to find out the lowest bid so Kev can beat it. However, Noeline overhears all this. The other women torment Gail for abusing her children, until Judy intervenes and sticks up for her. Noeline manipulates her into trusting her, despite Judy's warnings that Noeline is trouble. Noeline suggests that the screws will protect Gail if she lags on Doreen about the contract. When her cell is trashed, that's exactly ...

Episode #2.49
S02E49 · Episode #2.49

Jul 22, 1980

Doreen struggles to cope after being raped by Vince, and desperately tries to get taken off the work release scheme, but Erica twigs something's going on and refuses to let her, even after she trashes a cell and attacks Noeline. She confides in Judy about what happened, and she promises to look out for her. Erica's relationship with Andrew Reynolds develops until he admits to her he is married. Noeline is allowed to go on work release; Bea gets out of the pound and is told that if she stays away from Gail she may get to go too. Margo is having trouble covering her ...

Episode #2.50
S02E50 · Episode #2.50

Jan 01, 1980

Judy uses her heart condition as a means to escape, and Doreen degrades herself in order to secure her husband's contract.

Episode #2.51
S02E51 · Episode #2.51

Jan 01, 1980

Judy is on the run, seeking to get to America. Bea gets on the work release scheme, with an ulterior motive - but Noeline and Margo set to stop her. Gail's kids are taken to a home, and the full tragedy of her life is revealed. Is Kay all she makes out to be?

Episode #2.52
S02E52 · Episode #2.52

Jan 01, 1980

Paul disappears to Adelaide, wanting to start afresh for Tony's sake. At the factory, Noeline smuggles out fabric for her brother, but is caught in the process, and has the work release scheme threatened. She is quicky transferred to a country prison and Vera and Jim aim to finally get the scheme stopped. Weasel cons Judy into paying more for a passport, but it may be too late as the cops hone in on Jude's whereabouts.

Episode #2.53
S02E53 · Episode #2.53

Jan 01, 1980

Judy is returned to Wentworth. Bea vows revenge on Vince for Doreen. Andrew does a shady deal with Bea. Gail's trial outcome is a success.

Episode #2.54
S02E54 · Episode #2.54

Jan 01, 1980

Erica catches out Andrew in exploiting the women's labour, but does not stop the work release. Despite Lizzie thinking no ones cares, the women plan and throw her a surprise birthday party. Kay rips off her employer for hundreds of dollars for her gambling addiction.

Episode #2.55
S02E55 · Episode #2.55

Jan 01, 1980

Andrew and Erica's relationship comes to an end. Bea and Margo vow revenge on Kay for spoiling the work release and for owed money, yet Kay pleads mental instability caused all the problems. A new social worker arrives in Paul's place, with disasterous results.

Episode #2.56
S02E56 · Episode #2.56

Jan 01, 1980

The mental and physical war between Kay and the women continues. Doreen reveals she's pregnant, but not with Kevin's baby.

Episode #2.57
S02E57 · Episode #2.57

Jan 01, 1980

After Kay double crosses the women with their revenge on Vince, they aim to get her back with a most brutal revenge. Agnes spoils both Lizzie and Doreen's chances with their families, and Bea seeks Agnes to be thrown out. Jim considers moving to pastures new.

Episode #2.58
S02E58 · Episode #2.58

Aug 12, 1980

The women feed on Kay's mental instability and continue to provoke and torment her. Doreen admits to Kevin and the police what happened with her rape, but reveals a much worse truth to Kevin. The women aim to get rid of Agnes once and for all.

Episode #2.59
S02E59 · Episode #2.59

Aug 13, 1980

Doreen and Kevin's marriage hits rock bottom. Kay continues to lag, with the women setting her up to prove it.

Episode #2.60
S02E60 · Episode #2.60

Aug 19, 1980

Doreen sinks into deep depression and attempts suicide. Agnes decides to quit. Lizzie's life is shattered after Ellen delivers her some news about Josie.

Episode #2.61
S02E61 · Episode #2.61

Aug 20, 1980

Kay and Vera collaborate on a personal war against Bea. The new inmate learns life inside is worse than can be imagined for drug pushers.

Episode #2.62
S02E62 · Episode #2.62

Aug 26, 1980

Kay and Vera collaborate on a personal war against Bea. The new inmate learns life inside is worse than can be imagined for drug pushers.

Episode #2.63
S02E63 · Episode #2.63

Aug 27, 1980

Vera works to pressure Tracey into talking to the police, meanwhile Kath has her own ideas for Tracey. Kay tries to take over as prison bookie, and works even harder to manipulate the women for her own benefit.

Episode #2.64
S02E64 · Episode #2.64

Sep 02, 1980

Jim takes in Danny after his multiple escape attempts. Judy and Lizzie decide it's time to finish Kay once and for all. Vera is threatened over Tracey.

Episode #2.65
S02E65 · Episode #2.65

Sep 03, 1980

Judy and Lizzie plan to destroy Kay's bookmaking activities. Vera returns to work. And Danny and Jim are getting on famously.

Episode #2.66
S02E66 · Episode #2.66

Sep 09, 1980

Kay dies and Lizzie is charged with manslaughter; Linda's parole comes through; and Tracey is allowed bail.

Episode #2.67
S02E67 · Episode #2.67

Sep 10, 1980

The police rescue Tracey from two thugs and return her to Wentworth. Bea returns from solitary to confront her but Kathleen intervenes. Jim tries to expand his meager social life.

Episode #2.68
S02E68 · Episode #2.68

Sep 16, 1980

A sniper opens fire whilst Bob, Tracey and Meg are in the garden, hitting Meg; Vera goes to a disco with Jim and is picked up by a young man; and Doreen realises that she would like to work with children.

Episode #2.69
S02E69 · Episode #2.69

Sep 17, 1980

An attentive Bob visits Meg who is recovering from surgery after being shot; the women organise a 'truth' session to help Tracey's paranoia. Jim goes to a party.

Episode #2.70
S02E70 · Episode #2.70

Sep 23, 1980

Lizzie denies Doreen's accusations but receives a five year sentence for manslaughter. Sarah makes a Jim an offer. Bob escorts Meg home after she is discharged from hospital.

Episode #2.71
S02E71 · Episode #2.71

Sep 24, 1980

Lizzie decides to appeal against her conviction. Doreen is offered the possibility of working in the children's ward of the local hospital. Julian attempts to dissuade Jim from investing in the interior design business.

Episode #2.72
S02E72 · Episode #2.72

Sep 30, 1980

Doreen is offered a job at the hospital. Meg and Bob's relationship develops and Tracey's jealousy surfaces. Chrissie gets a mysterious visitor. Sarah is horrified when she discovers what Jim does for a living.

Episode #2.73
S02E73 · Episode #2.73

Oct 01, 1980

Sarah flees from Jim's flat and then avoids him. Meg returns to Wentworth. The women hold a send-off for Doreen. McNally orders Tracey's execution.

Episode #2.74
S02E74 · Episode #2.74

Oct 07, 1980

Doreen faces life outside, Tracey has her day in court, and Bea celebrates her birthday. Erica meets Sarah and is left with the feeling that she has seen her somewhere before.

Episode #2.75
S02E75 · Episode #2.75

Jan 01, 1980

Vera goes to work drunk, and the prisoners steal her keys. Bob confronts Tracey about the allegations of lesbianism. Erica realises that Sarah Forrest is an escapee from Barnhurst. Doreen steals Elizabeth from the hospital.

Episode #2.76
S02E76 · Episode #2.76

Jan 01, 1980

Elizabeth's health deteriorates further. Erica offers to reinstate Vera. Bob tells Tracey of his intentions towards Meg.

Episode #2.77
S02E77 · Episode #2.77

Jan 01, 1980

Doreen returns to Wentworth. Jacki Nolan gets a heavy sentence. Tracey confronts Meg.

Episode #2.78
S02E78 · Episode #2.78

Jan 01, 1980

Vera returns to Wentworth. Julian, Jim and Erica campaign to get Jacki released and Tracey is moved to Barnhurst after she reveals Meg is to be her stepmother.

Episode #2.79
S02E79 · Episode #2.79

Jan 01, 1980

Vera discovers Jim's relationship with Jacki, who anxiously awaits news of her pardon. Erica is told that an inspector is to be appointed to carry out an inquiry into Wentworth.

Episode #2.80
S02E80 · Episode #2.80

Jan 01, 1980

As Wentworth prepares for the arrival of the inspector, the women discover a vast subterranean drainage system beneath the prison. A new prisoner arrives after being charged with robbery. Bea is assaulted.

Episode #2.81
S02E81 · Episode #2.81

Jan 01, 1980

Bea is found unconscious after being assaulted. The new inspector makes his presence felt Some of the women have money stolen.

Episode #2.82
S02E82 · Episode #2.82

Jan 01, 1980

Judy claims the money was planted on her and returns it. Gillespie tries to stop the pantomime. Judy tries to persuade Bea to sanction an escape attempt.

Episode #2.83
S02E83 · Episode #2.83

Jan 01, 1980

Ann is convinced that the forged letter is from Megan. Plans continue for the escape.

Episode #2.84
S02E84 · Episode #2.84

Jan 01, 1980

It becomes clear that Anne was the thief and Bea's attacker. Bob is pleased to learn of Meg's resignation.

Episode #2.85
S02E85 · Episode #2.85

Jan 01, 1980

On the day of the panto and escape attempt, Gillespie is suspicious and snooping around backstage. The panto is a roaring success with the kids present, and under cover of costume, Judy, Doreen, Mouse and Irene make their escape down the tunnel. Back above ground, Lizzie has been pondering going with Dor, and when she finds Teddy left behind, her mind is made up and she ventures down after them, pursued by Bea, determined to bring her back. After watching what has been going on, loopy Anne tips a wheelbarrow of dirt on top of the entrance to the tunnel, burying it ...


Prisoner Season 2 (1980) is released on Jan 22, 1980 and the latest season 8 of Prisoner is released in 1986. Watch Prisoner online - the English Crime TV series from Australia. Prisoner is directed by Kendal Flanagan,Steve Mann,Leigh Spence,Sean Nash and created by Kevin Anderson with Elspeth Ballantyne and Barbara Jungwirth.

As know as:

Women in Prison(Working Title), Caged Women(English), Prisoner(French), Prisoner: Cell Block H, Prisoner





Production Companies:

Grundy Television Productions, Network Ten, The Grundy Organization

Cast & Crew

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