Episodes (51)

The Top 11 Best Movie Sequels
S10E01 · The Top 11 Best Movie Sequels

Jan 03, 2017

There's so many bad ones, but the Nostalgia Critic takes a look at which sequels deserve the most credit as being the best.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
S10E02 · Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

Jan 10, 2017

How many bad and cliched plots can a film squeeze in? This squeakquel goes for as many as possible.

The Top 11 Worst Movie Sequels
S10E03 · The Top 11 Worst Movie Sequels

Jan 17, 2017

Two weeks ago, the Critic looked at 11 of the best movie sequels. And now, as expected, it's time to look at 11 shameful sequels - no relation to that British Person's show. With so many sequels, of good and bad caliber, it's very difficult to weed out which ones are best of the best or best of the worst. But the Critic believes he's come across the very worst follow-ups that ever got greenlit.

The Smurfs 2
S10E04 · The Smurfs 2

Jan 24, 2017

This sequel has the Critic seeing red and feeling very blue. Because, as is the tradition in Hollywood: if a terrible movie makes a lot of money, it must get a sequel that is even worse. Before you can say "smurf that smurf" they rushed out a follow-up to The Smurfs. With Sequel Month almost over, the Critic pulls himself up by his bootstraps and endures Smurfs 2: Electric Smurfaloo. And he has to go it alone this time, because Black Nerd had stuff to do.

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
S10E05 · Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties

Feb 07, 2017

The stupid Garfield movie had a stupid sequel, and to properly close off Sequel Month, the Nostalgia Critic gives it a damn good thrashing and de-clawing. Garfield has a royal doppelganger which makes for a case of mistaken identity. With all the tropes of a bad sequel and no loyalty to the source material, this is one mindless mess, but under the circumstances, a worthy follow-up.

Why Do So Many Sequels Suck?
S10E06 · Why Do So Many Sequels Suck?

Feb 14, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic answers the age old question of why do so many sequels suck? Whether they're rehashes of the originals set in different locations, made too long after the original, a lack of understanding of the source material, or just not having enough time to get everything done, so many factors exist as to why so many sequels are done poorly.

Cool World
S10E07 · Cool World

Feb 21, 2017

Haven't you ever wondered what Roger Rabbit would be like if it were directed by Ralph Bakshi? How about it were geared more towards adults - and crackheads. The Nostalgia Critic brushes up on his limited Bakshi knowledge by looking at one of his biggest theatrical disasters: Cool World. No story, no character development, terrible editing, and the actors are as 2D as the animated characters. The Critic must also endure the incessant ramblings of an embittered Mr. Bakshi himself.

What Happened to Great Disney Villains?
S10E08 · What Happened to Great Disney Villains?

Feb 28, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic looks back on some of the most memorable Disney villains, and wonders why the antagonists in the modern Disney films are not as memorable. Examining both the contemporary and classic, the Critic explains what makes a good Disney villain, how all villains are created equally, and how certain circumstances make some shine darker than others.

Old vs New: Evil Dead
S10E09 · Old vs New: Evil Dead

Mar 07, 2017

The remake surprisingly got a lot of respect, but is it any match for the original cult classic? Old vs New is back and Nostalgia Critic takes a look at, Evil Dead.

Top 11 WTF Alternate Endings
S10E10 · Top 11 WTF Alternate Endings

Mar 14, 2017

Sometimes the end isn't actually THE end. Whether it be tacked on, studio mandated, changed in editing, or any myriad of reasons, movies can often have different endings than originally intended, and so the Nostalgia Critic picks 11 alternate endings that just make you want to say "What the Fuck?"

S10E11 · Balto

Mar 21, 2017

Aunt Despair tells her adorable niece about a time long ago when the Nostalgia Critic reviewed Balto, that mid-90s animated movie about that dog. Despite the many moments of incredulity the film exhibits, it was based...BASED on a true story, with many, many creative liberties taken because why not?

Should Bad Singers Be Dubbed?
S10E12 · Should Bad Singers Be Dubbed?

Mar 28, 2017

So many good actors have bad voices, is it time we just say their singing pipes should be tuned?

S10E13 · Fant4stic

Apr 04, 2017

If at first you don't succeed...keep remaking it and keep making it darker...and still, you won't succeed. A powerful lesson the producers of Fant4stic could've learned before trying (and failing) to do another big screen Fantastic Four movie. No stranger to the cinematic blunders that do the Four injustice, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the latest reason why Reed and the gang should stay in the comics.

Is This the Best Joker Death?
S10E14 · Is This the Best Joker Death?

Apr 11, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic looks back on one of the most famous death scenes of all time, featuring one of the most famous villains of all time. That wildly popular moment in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, in which the Clown Prince of Crime is finally dispatched. How it all went down and how wonderfully it was handled makes the Critic hail it as one of the best moments in Bat history.

S10E15 · Clockstoppers

Apr 18, 2017

This week the Critic has plenty of time on his hands, because he's reviewing Clockstoppers (2002), that seldom-remembered early 2000s movie about the teens who find a watch that can disrupt the flow of time. To make the time go by faster, the Critic counts the overabundance of '90s cliches the producers loaded the movie with to make up for the lack of a pesky script.

The WEIRDEST Jack and the Beanstalk
S10E16 · The WEIRDEST Jack and the Beanstalk

Apr 25, 2017

Ah, good old bizarre-o cartoons from our youth. Where would we be without them? So many have left an everlasting impression on us, whether good, bad or WTF. The Critic is here to address such an impression bestowed upon him by Japan's animated 1974 answer to Jack and the Beanstalk, or more appropriately named, Jack and the Crack-pipe.

The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas
S10E17 · The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas

May 02, 2017

The Critic takes a look at a prequel that answers the question no one asked: how did Fred and Wilma meet?

Nostalgia Critic Suicide Squad Trailer
S10E18 · Nostalgia Critic Suicide Squad Trailer

May 10, 2017

A sneak peak at Nostalgia Critic's big review. Plus Doug does a trailer reaction of his own trailer - wait what?

Suicide Squad
S10E19 · Suicide Squad

May 16, 2017

People love it or hate it. Is it worth all the fuss? The Nostalgia Critic looks into the insanity of Suicide Squad (2016).

Was the Killing Joke That Bad?
S10E20 · Was the Killing Joke That Bad?

May 23, 2017

It went from the most hyped Batman cartoon film to the most hated, but was Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) really as bad as a lot of people thought it was? The Critic decides to find out.

Was Family Guy Meant to Be a Kids' Show?
S10E21 · Was Family Guy Meant to Be a Kids' Show?

May 31, 2017

The Critic looks at how this raunchy animated sitcom had surprisingly originated as a Saturday morning show for kids.

Alien vs. Predator
S10E22 · Alien vs. Predator

Jun 07, 2017

The Critic looks back at one of the biggest crossovers that led to the most underwhelming of responses.

Transformers: The Last Knight
S10E23 · Transformers: The Last Knight

Jun 14, 2017

There's a new Transformers movie out - because, of course there is. After four films of the exact same thing happening over and over, the Nostalgia Critic feels he's run out of material for which to review them, just like the movies themselves are out of material. So, in a groundbreaking move, the Critic reviews the movie without seeing it and predict every cliche moment that happens. Was he close? Ah, save yourselves $13 and just take his word for it.

Wonder Woman
S10E24 · Wonder Woman

Jun 20, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic reviews Wonder Woman (2017).

When Should Remakes Not Happen?
S10E25 · When Should Remakes Not Happen?

Jun 27, 2017

They're everywhere, and they're not slowing down, but when is it actually right to revisit a classic?

Norm of the North
S10E26 · Norm of the North

Jul 04, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic has been on duty for 10 years, reviewing all kinds of nostalgic crap of the last few decades and showing whether there is still hope for them, or if they're just rotten to the core. Today's film is definitely the latter. Remember that animated polar bear movie your kids dragged you to see (or you dragged them to see to punish them), Norm of the North? The Critic sure does. But he can handle it. He's seen worse. Or has he?

Cats Don't Dance
S10E27 · Cats Don't Dance

Jul 11, 2017

After ten years of requests to review Cats Don't Dance, and despite his own feelings about the movie not being bad enough to critique, the Critic decides he should finally take a quick look at it and analyze its impact.

S10E28 · Hulk

Jul 18, 2017

What do you get when you throw a superhero movie, a social drama and horrible, automated editing into a blender? Hulk. The Critic reviews this big, green bucket of slime from 2003, back before the MCU was formed and comic book movies played by their own rules, which were none.

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
S10E29 · Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Jul 25, 2017

Being a fan of both Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka, the Nostalgia Critic is just as disgusted as the rest of us when Warner Bros. decided to unite them in an unholy travesty. But can it be as bad as the Tom and Jerry movie? Come with us, raise a fuss, watching this abominable creation, what you'll see will decry expectation.

S10E30 · Monkeybone

Aug 01, 2017

Doug tackles Monkeybone starring Brendan Fraser, the movie he claims killed weird mainstream hits.

G.I. Joe: The Movie
S10E31 · G.I. Joe: The Movie

Aug 08, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at one of the most over-the-top American kids movies ever, a movie that is nonsensical, crazy, and all-around awesome.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
S10E32 · The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Aug 15, 2017

Some Jerk with a Camera joins the review, seeing why Nicholas Cage as Mickey Mouse surprisingly doesn't work. Nostalgia Critic and Some Jerk take a look at, The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

DuckTales 2017
S10E33 · DuckTales 2017

Aug 22, 2017

It's the reboot Disney fans are talking about, but is the first episode worth your time?

S10E34 · Eragon

Aug 29, 2017

When the Nostalgia Critic invites Malcolm and Tamara to play Eragon, not knowing that it's a 2006 movie that somehow got released on VHS, but instead mistaking it for a VHS game from the 80s. Upon turning on the "game", John Malkovich turns on the movie and goes on listing the tropes of the movie, all while the Critic still believes its a game.

Do Credits Suck Now?
S10E35 · Do Credits Suck Now?

Sep 05, 2017

No more getting hyped, no more great music, no more opening credits? Nostalgia Critic takes a look and sees if movie intros are changing for better or worse.

Kangaroo Jack
S10E36 · Kangaroo Jack

Sep 12, 2017

When the Nostalgia Critic mishears the subject he is reviewing and gets hyped to review Samurai Jack, Malcolm lets him down by telling him he is reviewing the confused film Kangaroo Jack.

A Goofy Movie
S10E37 · A Goofy Movie

Sep 19, 2017

A Goofy Movie is a GOOD movie, which is mainly why the Nostalgia Critic hadn't felt a need to review it - until now. With its popularity growing more every year, the Critic looks back on the time Goofy took his son Max fishing, and tons of hilarity, wackiness and very heartfelt moments occurred.

Green Lantern
S10E38 · Green Lantern

Sep 26, 2017

Before Ryan Reynolds broke box office records,he broke comic fans hearts with this CGI bore. Nostalgia Critic looks at what went wrong with Green Lantern.

Scary Godmother
S10E39 · Scary Godmother

Oct 03, 2017

The Critic gets Nostalgiaween rolling with a bizarre cartoon from 2004. It was at some point, a thing. But since the Critic barely remembers it, and we have to, he is made to endure what it has to offer: strangely styled animation, deformed looking characters and jokes for both children AND adults.

It (2017)
S10E40 · It (2017)

Oct 10, 2017

The Critic sits down with the 1990 and 2017 versions of Pennywise in order to officially decide who almost got "IT".

Halloween (2007)
S10E41 · Halloween (2007)

Oct 17, 2017

It's loved by some, hated by others. What is Nostalgia Critic's take on the remake of the original masterpiece?

The Mummy
S10E42 · The Mummy

Oct 24, 2017

It's high swinging adventure,but does the Brendan Fraser hit hold up after all these years? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Mummy.

The Mummy (2017)
S10E43 · The Mummy (2017)

Oct 31, 2017

The Angry Video Game Nerd joins the Nostalgia Critic in looking at one of the most botched horror remakes.

Dragonball Evolution
S10E44 · Dragonball Evolution

Nov 07, 2017

Little Kuriboh and MasakoX join the fight against the worst anime adaption of all time,Dragonball Evolution.It kicks you right in the Dragon Nards.

S10E45 · Bangarang

Nov 14, 2017

The story of Rufio is finally revealed, and Nostalgia Critic sees if it lives up to the awesomeness that such a character deserves.

War of the Commercials
S10E46 · War of the Commercials

Nov 22, 2017

Nostalgia Critic reviews another batch of surreal commercials.

Super Mario Bros: the Anime
S10E47 · Super Mario Bros: the Anime

Nov 29, 2017

Nostalgia Critic learns that there was an animated movie featuring the iconic video game characters before the live-action film ever existed. He looks to see if it is any good.

Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa
S10E48 · Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa

Dec 05, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic thought "The Christmas Tree" was the worst Christmas special ever, until he comes across something even worse: a CG abomination called "Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa".

A Muppet Family Christmas
S10E49 · A Muppet Family Christmas

Dec 12, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic looks at this holiday spectacle, one of the very few to feature the Muppets, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock all together, to see if it still holds up.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
S10E50 · Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Dec 19, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic looks at the sequel to one of the biggest Christmas hits of all time, to see if it is any good or if it should have been left alone.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
S10E51 · Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Dec 27, 2017

The Nostalgia Critic and friends reenact the latest installment of Star Wars. The tradition continues as Episode VIII has fans and moviegoers alike split on whether they love the film or if it's the worst thing since the Holiday Special. Watch as the Critic, the Cinema Snob, Chris Stuckmann, Malcolm, Tamara and a slew of extras venture to a galaxy far, far away to show us whether this movie is from the Dark Side, Light Side, or the less conventional Gray Side.


Nostalgia Critic (also know as The Nostalgia Critic) Season 10 (2017) is released on Jan 03, 2017 and the latest season 16 of Nostalgia Critic is released in 2022. Watch Nostalgia Critic online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Nostalgia Critic is directed by Doug Walker,James Rolfe,Walter Banasiak,Rob Walker and created by Doug Walker with Doug Walker and Malcolm Ray.

A sardonic critic reviews movies and TV shows from his childhood and adulthood.

As know as:

The Nostalgia Critic, Nostalgia Critic, The Nostalgia Critic, ノスタルジア・クリティック, Ностальгирующий критик


United States



Production Companies:

Blip Studios, Channel Awesome, That Guy With the Glasses

Official Site:

Official site


I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to., He remembers it so YOU don't have to!

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