Where to Invade Next Trailer & Clips


Where to Invade Next full movie is released on Feb 25, 2016. Watch Where to Invade Next online - the English Documentary movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $4,664,756. Where to Invade Next is directed by Michael Moore and created by Michael Moore with Michael Moore and Johnny Fancelli. Where to Invade Next is available online on Kanopy and Apple iTunes.

To show what the USA can learn from rest of the world, director Michael Moore playfully visits various nations in Europe and Africa as a one-man "invader" to take their ideas and practices for America. Whether it is Italy with its generous vacation time allotments, France with its gourmet school lunches, Germany with its industrial policy, Norway and its prison system, Tunisia and its strongly progressive women's policy, or Iceland and its strong female presence in government and business among others, Michael Moore discovers there is much that American should emulate.

As know as:

Where to Invade Next, Le'an niflosh akhshav?, Koga napasti zdaj, マイケル・ムーアの世界侵略のススメ, E Agora Invadimos o Quê?

Release Date:

Dec 23, 2015

Release Date (Streaming):

May 10, 2016


United States


English, Italian, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Arabic

Stream Service:


Production Companies:

Dog Eat Dog Films, IMG Films

Gross worldwide:



Michael Moore's most dangerous comedy, Prepare to be liberated, January 2, 2015. A secret memo from the Pentagon was intercepted: All future invasions will be carried out by one man. No casualties, no PTSD, no prisoners.


Tina Hassannia
The most salient point Moore makes in "Where to Invade Next" is that so many of the ideas explored in the doc are American, historically speaking.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 25, 2016
Ryan Gilbey
New Statesman
Even documentaries need dramatic tension; this one is comprised solely of contented people being informed that their lives are tickety-boo. After a while, you can't take any Moore.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 16, 2016
Wendy Ide
Observer (UK)
Moore's partisan and simplistic approach feels more like a big, fat insult to audience intelligence rather than an effective call to arms.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 12, 2016

Cast & Crew

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