Seraphim Falls Trailer & Clips


Seraphim Falls full movie is released on Apr 13, 2007. Watch Seraphim Falls online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $1,220,058. Seraphim Falls is directed by David Von Ancken and created by David Von Ancken with Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan. Seraphim Falls is available online on Amazon Video and Vudu.

In the 1860s, five men have been tracking a sixth across Nevada for more than two weeks. They shoot and wound him, but he gets away. They pursue, led by the dour Carver, who will pay them each $1 a day once he's captured. The hunted is Gideon, resourceful, skilled with a knife. Gideon's flight and Carver's hunt require horses, water, and bullets. The course takes them past lone settlers, a wagon train, a rail crew, settlements, and an Indian philosopher. What is the reason for the hunt; what connects Gideon and Carver? What happened at Seraphim Falls?

As know as:

Enfrentados, Perseguidos por el pasado, Seraphim Falls - Gnadenlose Jagd, セラフィム・フォールズ, Seraphim Falls - A múlt szökevénye

Release Date:

Jan 26, 2007

Release Date (Streaming):

May 15, 2007


United States



Stream Service:

Samuel Goldwyn Company

Production Companies:

Icon Productions

Official Site:

Official site

Gross worldwide:



Never turn your back on the past., Vengeance never rests.


Derek Malcolm
London Evening Standard
Finally recalls a less convincing version of those of Anthony Mann which managed realism and the mythic without a false note.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 24, 2007
Anthony Quinn
Independent (UK)
Von Ancken at times brings his debut very close to something grand and memorable.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 24, 2007
Tim Robey
Daily Telegraph (UK)
Messages, as Sam Goldwyn famously advised, are better left to Western Union.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 24, 2007

Cast & Crew

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